Thursday, December 6, 2012

One system fits all ideology, what it could look like from a Social Democratic lens

            An a northern Ontario resident I recognize that in our Social Welfare system they have a one system fits all kind of approach with this Neoliberal Government in place. They offer financial help to those who are considered the deserving poor and it’s a set amount across the board. When I looked at the amounts available it was an estimate of the amount of financial assistance you could expect to receive. See Diagram A from the Region of Peel Website.


Basic Needs
(*maximum allowances are indicated)
Number of Dependents
Single Applicant
Applicant and Spouse
No Dependents
1 Dependent
0-17 years
1 Dependent
18 years or older
1 Dependent
0-17 years and
1 Dependent
18 years or older

     If we were to consider this from a Social Democratic lens, we would look at what someone has and look at what they need and base the amount they get on those figures instead. So for example if you were a single mom of 3 and one of your children had a physical disability that required specialized supports there may be an amount that is included somewhere in your financial assistance to help with that need. Unfortunately this is not the case with our present system and many individuals and families slip through the systems cracks. According to the research that I found on the Ontario Ministry of Social Assistance website, “a lone parent with one child and that their annual income would be 18,351which falls just below the poverty line”. See Diagram B.


Table 3 : total income from all sources compared to common poverty measures for selected households on Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program Toronto April 2010
Total income
Percent of common poverty measures for Toronto
After tax low-income measure
After tax low-income cut-off
Market Basket Measure
Ontario Works
Single adult
($16,810) 47%
($18,930) 42%
($16,642) 47%
Two adult couple
($23,534) 58%
($23,039) 60%
($23,298) 57%
Lone parent - one child
($23,534) 78%
($23,039) 80%
($23,298) 79%
Lone parent - two children
($28,578) 82%
($28,688) 82%
($28,292) 83%
Two adult - one child
($28,578) 70%
($28,688) 70%
($28,292) 71%
Ontario Disability Support Program
Single adult
($16,810) 80%
($18,930) 71%
($16,642) 80%
Two adult couple
($23,534) 87%
($23,039) 89%
($23,298) 88%
Lone parent - one child
($23,534) 105%
($23,039) 108%
($23,298) 106%
Lone parent - two children
($28,578) 105%
($28,688) 105%
($28,292) 106%
Two adult - one child
($28,578) 95%
($28,688) 95%
($28,292) 96%

     Taking into consideration that this means so many people go without what they need because there are some people in society who have so much more and yet still gets the same base line amount across the board. When we look at the differences in costs across Ontario, here in the north the cost of rent, hydro, gas and food is so much higher that we Northern Ontario residents need to use the amount we get for things that cost more. So in turn we get so very little for the things we need and yet the amount we get doesn’t cover those costs. It’s a revolving cycle and it can be depressing for so many who are just trying to stay afloat.  
Ontario Works. (n.d). Region of Peel online. Retrieved from    on December 06, 2012

Social Assistance. (n.d). In Minisrty of Community and Social Assistance online. Retrieved from




  1. Wow it's kind of sad as how little the government really helps those in the north. I love the diagrams, they really help. Thanks!

    - Elysha

  2. I agree with Elysha that it is unfortunate how little the governement helps people in the north, and how horrible some living conditions are for those farther north. The diagrams also helped put this in perspectrive for me

